Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Time Flies when you're having..Life :)

January..thats what the top of my blog says. january since I posted anything on here. This morning I was thinking to myself, geesh I have not written anything for a few months more than a few months. Life just gets in the way some times. Today is Wednesday. How did that happen. It was Sunday yesterday. I turned 40 this year and now the days seem to be speeding by..I want to yell out and say, hey, take it easy, no rush, simmer, we have all kinds of time...but I guess we really don't!

Joined Weight Watchers after my 40th bday. I have lost 30.8 lbs so far! And I statrted Ralking....what is Ralking you may ask...well this is what I now call what I do every second day for about an hour..I try to run but end up walking. I am sure I look like a cross between Dolly Parton, the Hunchback of Notre Dame and Rosanne Barr, but I am trying anyway and I have to confess I now look forward to it....who knew!

Selling scrapbooking stuff now..Creative Memories...I love the stuff but I am a terrible salesperson lol...that being said I look forward to the times I get to spend with my ladies just chatting and hearing all about how someone elses life is going. It is all so dang interesting..and their problems are not mine! I get to cluck my tounge and say things like 'no way' and 'thats just crazy' and know that they like hearing about my stuff as much as I like hearing about theirs...oh and we scrpbook a little bit too lol

Have a close friend who had a cancer scare this year. Made me a little sick to think about it. She is the other part of my heart (the other girlie part, not the part that belongs to Tony B. lol) and I don't know what I would do if she was gone. I am happy to report that instead of cancer she has a rare thing that I cannot spell but amounts to a cyst inside of a duct inside of a gland...and the doctors had not seen one since 1992. Thats fine with me...I hope they never see one again.

MacKenzie and MacKaela now go to the same Junior High and it actually seems to be working out ok! They argue at home but at school KK has her eyes open to make sure Kenzie is ok. I have never sent them to the same schools in all the years thay have been going in an effort to ensure that KK's experience is her own, and Kenzie is independent, but maybe that was never the right thing to do. All Babies should come with how too manuals...that way we never have to look back at our decisions and say- was that the right thing to do...becuase clearly the manual would tell us which path is the one to travel.

I read an article today about the Ball player who had a homophobic slur on his face. Why would you do that? Why would anyone want to have anything that was remotely insulting written across their face, particularly when they will be photographed and on TV. Has someone thought to check this guys blood for drugs? Perhaps he woke up with it on his face and didnt check the mirror? Was he the victim of some insane practical joke? Did no one in the dugout notice this before he stood up? " gotta little something homophobic there on yer face....(licks thumb) lemme get that for ya" This just seems stupid all the way around.

Just finished girls softball for the summer. Now the parents have to play the kids in two weeks...Now this should be cute. I have not played ball for 8 years. 8 years ago I was 80lbs lighter. I wonder if I can lose 80lbs by the 30th? Doubtful eh. Thankfully I will be able to Ralk the bases no problem!

I joined a 'learn to run' program and I start on Tuesday coming. The lady who runs this program started off just like me! She lost 30 lbs, was 250 and wanted to get healthy and strong. I am looking forward to working with her but scared to death. I know I am going to get to the first class and be surrounded by LuLuLemon yoga pants, tight bums, and sports bras.....while I stand there in 3 bras (yes thats what it takes to keep these puppies in the kennel), Tony's Amherst college Tshirt and my Wal-Mart yoga pants...but great my runners. I am very intimidated by the thought of looking foolish but I know this is something I have to let go of.

Anywhooooo...enough drivel, but a great catch up...I promise to do my best , to do my duty to god, the queen and my country....oh wait...thats Brownies or Guides or Beavers or something...I promise to write more often :)


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