Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Freddy Town and Feelin Down

Sometimes people say to me...oh you are so lucky to get to travel around the provinces a bit, but honestly after a while it gets a bit taxing. I love my bed at home, my doggie and my remote. My kids and BF are not too bad either lol. If I could have the company I get when I am away, but still get to have the comforts of home at the same time I would be all set.
I read a news article this morning about a young man from New Brunswick who has been kicked out of the Quebec Juniors. He made racial slurs to a player of color who plays on another New Brunswick team. Seriously feller, who does that? Where do you live that you think it is ok, or even remotely cool to make ANY slurs about a person whether it is concerning their color, sexuality, race, religion, weight, height, eye color, etc? This is 2012 and the fact that this even exists anymore is beyond me. This kid is 19 and yes, 19 year old are impetuous, more likely to fly off the handle etc. But for heavens sake, my 4 year old cousin knows better.
It sometimes feels like we are taking steps backwards morally and etichally with the some of the kids people my age are sending out into the world. I was raised to treat everyone equally. I am trying to raise my girls the same way. But I know for a fact that there are others who allow their own prejudices, fears and ignorance to bleed over into the very lives we have sworn to protect and nuture with goodness, our little ones.
29 below zero here today. Low fuel light is on in the rental. Cannot find a full service gas station. Winter coat is hung up in Cole Harbour.....what to do what to do.

Guess I will freeze me fingers off. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh it was one of my shockers when I moved to rural NB... the casualness of racial slurs spins me everytime... I honestly do not think they even realize that they are saying something offensive. Kinda like a Brit asking if it's ok to "poke a fag"...
