Friday, October 19, 2012

Good Bye (for now) Yellow Brick Road

Last Friday I had to go see my Doctor because my knees were so very sore and burning. He recommended staying off my feet for the weekend, using ice etc...I did that and on Monday felt fine...went for a run at lunch on Monday and was back to square one. Went again on Wednesday and now I am off my feet altogether :(. He has said I should not run again until I am down to 200 lbs.....thats 50.1 away from right now. I can walk.....I can do yoga, and I can swim...but no more high impact anything on my knees.

I am devistated I have to tell you. I was so looking forward to being able to run 5K...being able to run for more than 2 minutes was a huge accompolishment for me! Each night after our classes I would go home and just feel so empowered and beautiful despite the sweat and the aches. The confidence I was gaining was apparent in everything I touched...I started out with my chin on my chest, afraid to let anyone see my face when I ran...and ended with my head held up proudly because I was doing it!

It has been a hard week...coming to this conclusion has been very hard...i will walk 3 times a week now to try to build up stength in my knees...and someone has told me that Body-Pump will help too...

I have to think of this as a pause...not a stop ..but I still feel terrible about it :(

God darned 40

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